- Seizing Constructivist Ground? Practice and Relational Theories
Discussion and debate concerning David M. McCourt (2016), “Practice Theory and Relationalism as the New Constructivism” International Studies Quarterly 60 (3): 475-485.
Contributors: Daniel Nexon, Ted Hopf, Stacie Goddard, Alexander Montgomery, Oliver Kessler, Christian Bueger, Cecelia Lynch, Ty Solomon, Swati Srivastava, and David M. McCourt.
- The “Third Debate” 25 years later
Discussion and debate concerning Yosef Lapid (1989), “The Third Debate: On the Prospects of International Theory in a Post-Positivist Era” International Studies Quarterly 33 (3): 235–254.
Contributors: Patrick Thaddeus Jackson, Yosef Lapid, Yale H. Ferguson, Richard Mansbach, Cynthia Weber, Helena Rytövuori-Apunen, Richard Price, and Annick T.R. Wibben.
- Even Dictators have Friends: Autocratic Cooperation in the International System
Discussion and debate concerning Michaela Mattes and Mariana Rodríguez (2014), “Autocracies and International Cooperation” International Studies Quarterly 58 (3): 527-538.
Contributors: Joseph Young, Jessica Weeks, Jennifer Gandhi, Courtenay Conrad, Michaela Mattes, and Mariana Rodriguez.
- Military Coalitions and the Problem of Wartime Cooperation
Discussion and debate concerning Alex Weisiger (2016), “Exiting the Coalition: When Do States Abandon Coalition Partners during War?” International Studies Quarterly 60 (4): 753-765.
Contributors: Scott Wolford, Marina Henke, Daniel Morey, and Alex Weisiger.
- Culture and Otherness in Principal-Agent Theory
Discussion and debate concerning Eric Rittinger (2017), “Arming the Other: American Small Wars, Local Proxies, and the Social Construction of the Principal-Agent Problem” International Studies Quarterly 61(2): 396-409.
Contributors: Patrick Thaddeus Jackson, Tarak Barkawi, Srdjan Vucetic, Alexandra Gheciu, and Eric Rittinger.
- The Constraining Effect of Arms Control Treaties
Discussion and debate concerning Matthew Fuhrmann and Yonatan Lupu (2016), “Do Arms Control Treaties Work? Assessing the Effectiveness of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty” International Studies Quarterly 60(3): 530–539.
Contributors: Scott Wolford, Rupal N. Mehta, Alexandre Debs, Matthew Fuhrmann, and Yonatan Lupu.
- Popular Culture Matters
Discussion and debate concerning J. Furman Daniel III and Paul Musgrave (2017), “Synthetic Experiences: How Popular Culture Matters for Images of International Relations” International Studies Quarterly 61(3): 269–283.
Contributors: Meera Sabaratnam, Valerie M. Hudson, Jutta Weldes, Kathleen P.J. Brennan, David Sylvan, Vineet Thakur, J. Furman Daniel, III, and Paul Musgrave.
- The Rise and Fall of Keynesian Ideas During the Great Recession
Discussion and debate concerning Henry Farrell and John Quiggin (2017), “Consensus, Dissensus, and Economic Ideas: Economic Crisis and the Rise and Fall of Keynesianism” International Studies Quarterly 61(2): 269–283.
Contributors: Abraham Newman, Andrew Baker, Elizabeth Popp Berman, Paul Krugman, Stephen K. Nelson, Henry Farrell, and John Quiggin.

Seizing Constructivist Ground? Practice and Relational Theories
Discussion and debate concerning David M. McCourt (2016), “Practice Theory and Relationalism as the New Constructivism” International Studies Quarterly 60 (3): 475-485.
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Contributors: Daniel Nexon, Ted Hopf, Stacie Goddard, Alexander Montgomery, Oliver Kessler, Christian Bueger, Cecelia Lynch, Ty Solomon, Swati Srivastava, and David M. McCourt.

Providing Foreign Aid: Need, Self-Interest, or Something Else?
Discussion and debate concerning Rob Kevlihan, Karl DeRouen, and Glen Biglaiser (2014), “Is US Humanitarian Aid Based Primarily on Need or Self-Interest?” International Studies Quarterly 58 (4): 839–854.
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Contributors: Joseph Young, Sarah Bush, Matthew S. Winters, Rob Kevlihan, Karl DeRouen, and Glen Biglaiser.

The Academic and Policy Worlds: Reflections On A Divide
Discussion and debate concerning Paul C. Avey and Michael C. Desch (2014), “What Do Policymakers Want From Us? Results of a Survey of Current and Former Senior National Security Decision Makers” International Studies Quarterly 58 (2): 227–246.
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Contributors: Patrick Thaddeus Jackson, Susan Peterson, Catherine Weaver, James Goldgeier, Paul C. Avey, and Michael C. Desch.

Balancing in the Balance
Discussion and debate concerning Jørgen Møller (2014), “Why Europe Avoided Hegemony: A Historical Perspective on the Balance of Power” International Studies Quarterly 58 (4): 660–670.
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Contributors: Patrick Thaddeus Jackson, William C. Wohlforth, Deborah Boucoyannis, Stuart J. Kaufman, Benjamin de Carvalho, Victoria Hui, and Jørgen Møller.

What Do We Mean by FDI?
Discussion and debate concerning Andrew Kerner (2014), “What We Talk About When We Talk About Foreign Direct Investment” International Studies Quarterly 58 (4): 804–815.
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Contributors: Joseph Young, Quan Li, Nathan Jensen, and Andrew Kerner.

Reducing Uncertainty in Small-n Analysis: A Conversation
Discussion and debate concerning Bear F. Braumoeller (2014), “Information and Uncertainty: Inference in Qualitative Case Studies” International Studies Quarterly 58 (4): 873–875; Katya Drozdova and Kurt Taylor Gaubatz (2014), “Reducing Uncertainty: Information Analysis for Comparative Case Studies” International Studies Quarterly 58 (3): 633–645.
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Contributors: Katya Drozdova, Kurt Taylor Gaubatz, and Bear Braumoeller.

Walking with Migrants: Ethnography as Method in International Relations
Discussion and debate concerning Noelle K. Brigden (2016), “Improvised Transnationalism: Clandestine Migration at the Border of Anthropology and International Relations” International Studies Quarterly 60 (2): 343-354.
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Contributors: Meera Sabaratnam, Stephan Scheel, Nora El Qadim, Philippe M. Frowd, and Noelle K. Bridgen.

An Extended Debate on the Utility of the Democratic Peace Thesis
Discussion and debate concerning Michael Poznansky (2015), “Stasis or Decay? Reconciling Covert War and the Democratic Peace” International Studies Quarterly 59 (4): 815–826.
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Contributors: M.L. DeRaismes Combes, Michael Poznanski, and Tarak Barkawi.

“Oil Discoveries, Shifting Power, and Civil Conflict:” A formal and quantitative replication
Discussion and debate concerning Curtis Bell and Scott Wolford (2015), “Oil Discoveries, Shifting Power, and Civil Conflict” International Studies Quarterly 59 (3): 517–530.
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Contributors: Joseph Young, Emily Hencken Ritter, Adrian Florea, Curtis Bell, and Scott Wolford.

The Politics of Great Power Retrenchment
Discussion and debate concerning Kyle Haynes (2015), “Decline and Devolution: The Sources of Strategic Military Retrenchment” International Studies Quarterly 59 (3): 490–502.
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Contributors: Daniel Nexon, Paul Macdonald, Joe Parent, Mette Eilstrup Sangiovanni, Joshua Shifrinson, and Kyle Haynes.

The Practice Turn in International Relations
Discussion and debate concerning Christian Bueger and Frank Gadinger (2015), “The Play of International Practice” International Studies Quarterly 59 (3): 449–460.
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Contributors: Patrick Thaddeus Jackson, Emanuel Adler, Vincent Pouliot, Rebecca Adler-Nissen, Ole Jacob Sending, Christian Bueger, and Frank Gadinger.

What Drives Nuclear Proliferation?
Discussion and debate concerning Mark S. Bell (2016), “Examining explanations for nuclear proliferation” International Studies Quarterly 60(3): 520-529.
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Contributors: Daniel Nexon, Philipp C. Bleek, Rupal Mehta, Matthew Fuhrmann, Todd S. Sechser, Etel Solingen, Joshua Malnight, and Mark S. Bell.

Scholarly Influence and the Shaping of International Relations Debates
Discussion and debate concerning Jeff D. Colgan (2016), “Where Is International Relations Going? Evidence from Graduate Training” International Studies Quarterly 60 (3): 486–498.
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Contributors: Daniel Nexon, Katie Paulson-Smith, Michael Tierney, Cullen Hendrix, Jelena Subotic, and Jeff Colgan.

Dyadic Research Designs: Progress or Postmortem?
Discussion and debate concerning Skyler J. Cranmer and Bruce A. Desmarais (2016), “A Critique of Dyadic Design” International Studies Quarterly 60 (2): 355–362; Paul F. Diehl and Thorin M. Wright (2016), “A Conditional Defense of the Dyadic Approach” International Studies Quarterly 60 (2): 363–368; Paul Poast (2016), “Dyads Are Dead, Long Live Dyads! The Limits of Dyadic Designs in International Relations Research” International Studies Quarterly 60 (2): 369–374.
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Contributors: Scott Wolford, Allison Carnegie, Tara Slough, Sarah Croco, Kathleen Gallagher Cunningham, Cassy Dorff, Brandon J. Kinne, Patrick McDonald, Toby Rider, and William Kindred Winecoff.

Debating (Wartime) Sexual Violence
Discussion and debate concerning Sara Meger (2016), “The Fetishization of Sexual Violence in International Security” International Studies Quarterly 60 (1): 149–159.
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Contributors: Annick T.R. Wibben, Paul Kirby, Harriet Gray, Maria Stern, Dara Kay Cohen, Elisabeth Jean Wood, Nicola Smith, and Sara Meger.

Queer IR
Discussion and debate concerning Cynthia Weber (2016), “Queer Intellectual Curiosity as International Relations Method: Developing Queer International Relations Theoretical and Methodological Frameworks” International Studies Quarterly 60 (1): 11–23.
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Contributors: Patrick Thaddeus Jackson, Cynthia Enloe, Laura Sjoberg, Paula Amar, L.H.M. Ling, Cameron G. Thies, Lauren Wilcox, and Cynthia Weber.

Unit Autonomy and Cross-National Analysis
Discussion and debate concerning Joseph Weinberg (2016), “European Union Member States in Cross-National Analyses: The Dangers of Neglecting Supranational Policymaking” International Studies Quarterly 60(1): 98-106.
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Contributors: Abraham Newman, Thomas Oatley, Manfred Elsig, Stephen Chaudoin, Helen Milner, Xun Pang, and Joseph Weinberg.

Can Networks Govern?
Discussion and debate concerning Deborah D. Avant (2016), “Pragmatic Networks and Transnational Governance of Private Military and Security Services” International Studies Quarterly 60 (2): 330-342.
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Contributors: Meera Sabaratnam, Heikki Patomäki, Anna Leander, Kavi Abraham, Mark Laffey, and Deborah Avant.

War, Public Preferences, and Survey Experiments
Discussion and debate concerning Matthew S. Gottfried and Robert F. Trager (2016), “A Preference for War: How Fairness and Rhetoric Influence Leadership Incentives in Crises” International Studies Quarterly 60(2): 243-257.
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Contributors: Scott Wolford, Roseanne McManus, Phil Arena, Matthew Gottfried, and Robert Trager.

Currencies and International Order
Discussion and debate concerning Steven Liao and Daniel McDowell (2016), “No Reservations: International Order and Demand for the Renminbi as a Reserve Currency” International Studies Quarterly 60 (2): 272–293.
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Contributors: Abraham L. Newman, Alexander Cooley, Kathleen R. McNamara, David A. Steinberg, Jonathan Kirshner, Steven Liao, and Daniel McDowell.

Comparing International Systems in World History: Anarchy, Hierarchy, and Culture
Discussion and debate concerning Charles Butcher and Ryan Griffiths (2017), “Between Eurocentrism and Babel: A Framework for the Analysis of States, State Systems, and International Orders” International Studies Quarterly 61(2): 328–336.
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Contributors: Daniel Nexon, Alexander D. Barder, Ayşe Zarakol, Hendrik Spruyt, Benjamin Denison, Megan A. Stewart, Seva Gunitsky, Charles R. Butcher, and Ryan D. Griffiths.