Author: Dan Nexon

  • The Decision Letter, Part I

    The Decision Letter, Part I

    For caveats and background, see my introductory post. Editors write a lot of decision letters. At high-volume journals, editors write so many decision letters that it can become a tedious grind. For authors, though, the information communicated in decision letters matters enormously. It can affect their job prospects, salaries, and chances of advancement. Of course,…

  • Reflections on Journal Editing: Caveats

    Reflections on Journal Editing: Caveats

    Josh asked me if I would write a series of posts at the Duck of Minerva reflecting on my time editing International Studies Quarterly (ISQ). I agreed. And I’m cross-posting the pieces here. This post is less a reflection that some background and caveats. I figure that by collecting them in a single post, I…

  • Progressive Foreign Policy

    Progressive Foreign Policy

    I have a new article about progressive foreign policy up at Foreign Affairs. An excerpt: During the 2016 primary and general election, former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton often appeared to represent a Democratic foreign policy establishment whose views might have been ripped from 2003, when the United States could still claim to be,…

  • ISQ Online Symposia

    ISQ Online Symposia

    We produced supplemental content for International Studies Quarterly in the form of online symposia. We used to do this at a site hosted by the International Studies Association, which owns the journal. About a year ago, ISA discontinued support for the site in anticipation of transitioning to a “common portal” at Oxford University Press. So…